Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A glimpse of the colorful past of Camtia

This picture is part of Camtia lore.

We did more than just German in the old days!

We always have fun!

Three Generations of Camtia dancers! Josette Borland, Alyse and Piper Stalllings.

The early years. We were really young then.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009



Celebrating 50 Years

Camtia is Celebrating Fifty Fantastic Years

(of Fun and Frolic, Folk dancing, and Festivals,

Featuring Frankfurters, Frauleins,

and Flasks of Foaming Fermentations)

The Camtia Dance Ensemble is getting ready to celebrate FIFTY (yes 50!) years of continuous dancing and fun under the uninterrupted directorship of Bruce Mitchell. This is an amazing accomplishment and we mean to give it an amazing celebration. Invitations have gone out to over 200 former Camtia-ites (yes, it is a word!). There has been a grand search to find the missing ones, who have changed their names, addresses, etc. We understand that, but still want to find them. So, if you are one or know one, please come forward!

The early history of Camtia is still told by the old-timers over a foaming stein. It all started when Morie Gelman was at Stockton Folk Dance Camp and introduced two Schuhplattler dances. In those two weeks many of the men literally beat themselves black and blue. But seeds were planted.

In the fall of 1959 fate stepped in, and Bruce was asked to get a group together to dance at the Scheidel's Oktoberfest at Governor's Hall at the Old State Fair Grounds in Sacramento. For this performance, he combined the Kountry Kousins of Stockton and the Twilight Twirlers of Sacramento to do Hofbrauhaus Ländler and Zillerthaler. The costumes were Bermuda shorts with makeshift suspenders and white knee socks.

Shortly afterwards the Camtia Dance Ensemble was formed in 1961. The name, "Camtia" is a composit of Camellia and Artia. Sacramento is the Camellia City and Artia was the record label on some of our favorite music. The dance repertoire was changed over the years to include Romanian, Ukrainian, and Czeck with some interesting departures. But the group always continued to dance at most Oktoberfests in the greater Sacramento region. Bylaws were drawn up for the fledgling group, but the only part that still lives in club memory is the last paragraph, which states very clearly "The officers shall have two votes each. The Instructor shall be entitled to seven votes on any issue." Some have speculated that this clause is the reason for the longevity and success of the club.

But seriously, (and I mean that!), the reason Camtia is still alive and well today is that Bruce and Camtia have taken the "fun" part seriously, and have always made that their top priority. Some years it hasn't been easy. Things happen. Life happens. But everyone needs some fun! And that is mostly what we are celebrating! Fifty fantastic years of fun!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Camtia is very excited to announce our big 50th Year Reunion, taking place on October 17, 2009. This will celebrate 50 years of continuous dancing and performing under the directorship of Bruce Mitchell. If you knew our group, you would know how really remarkable that is! Here is a picture of him then:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June-July- August

Andy Schildt and Dianna Wilbur 

Well, our Maifest in the park got rained out, but with great flexibility, the show went on!  We all just moved to the Turn Verein.  Sausages were still grilled, and children danced around the Maypole.  In fact my favorite part of the day was when Gary Schulz was presented with about 30 kids who all REALLY wanted to do the maypole.  With amazing patience and creative genius, he directed them through a simplified version of it, (after a little practice.)  It was great!  And the kids had a ball!  

We are taking a break for the summer, and will be back dancing in August.  It gives us some time to work on the big 50th Anniversary party in October.

Barbara Malakoff